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CIE 2023.2

List of the teams : 26

Name Country
8 days a week 1
GBR - Great Britain
8 days a week 2
FRA - France
ESP - Spain
dev a gbr
GBR - Great Britain
dev b gbr
GBR - Great Britain
filles pays de loire
FRA - France
flop y flop
FRA - France
gbr north
GBR - Great Britain
gbr p
GBR - Great Britain
irland 1
IRL - Ireland
irlande 2
IRL - Ireland
la pointe rouge
FRA - France
les bras cassés
FRA - France
les demeurés
FRA - France
les tortues ninja
FRA - France
les trefles
FRA - France
MON - Monaco
nice 1
FRA - France
nice 2
FRA - France
team 3859
FRA - France
team breizh go
FRA - France
team cvsq
FRA - France
team europe
FRA - France
team girl power
FRA - France
team sud
FRA - France
voile baie de morlaix
FRA - France
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